O! that you would do all the sweet things to me,
my sweet dear one, you bring that which will be honey sweet!
In the bedroom's honey-sweet corner
let us enjoy over and over your charms and sweetness!
Lad, o! that you would do all the sweet things to me,
my sweet dear one, you bring that which will be honey sweet!

Man who has become attracted to me,
speak to my mother, she would let you!
She has worn down my father.
She knows where you would be happy;
to sleep, man, in our house till morning,
she knows where your heart would rejoice;
to sleep, lad, in our house till morning!

When you fell in love with me,
could you but have done, lad, your sweet thing to me!
O! my lord and good genius, my lord and guardian angel,
my Shu-Suen*, who does Enlil's heart good
the place where, could you but do your sweet thing to me,
where, could you but - like honey - put in your sweetness!
O squeeze it in there for me! as (one would) flour into the measuring cup!
O pound and pound it in there for me! as (one would) flour
into the old dry measuring cup!

*Shu-Suen oderr Schu-Sin war König von Ur 2037-2029 v. Chr.
Quelle: Thorkild Jacobsen, The Harps that Once ..., New Haven 1987, S. 88 f.